Adam Nichols
Adam Nichols
40 Under 40' 2024

Age: 34
Company Name: Dirty Deed’s Lawn & Landscaping, LLC
Position In The Company: Owner
Bio: Being a landscape company in the suburbs of Chicago, Adam often hears “why the Moose” as part of their logo? Well, it started out as an ode to his late father, who passed away in June 2012. Towards the later years of his life, he had a liking for moose-related things. Maybe it was him reminiscing about one of his childhood homes in Alaska; unfortunately, He is not too sure. He always looked up to him and wanted to be just like him, he would do anything and everything to provide for his family. But because of his late father, the moose has come to represent strength, integrity, and honesty.
So In 2015, when the company started, it was in honour of his hard working loving father. Then the best day of his life, October 9th 2017 his son Kane was born. He cherishes every day Hehave with Kane or My Little Moose Man, as He typically calls him. Every day he brings a smile to his face, sure there are definitely easier days than others, but Adam wouldn’t trade them for the world. Thanks to his son, the moose has gained so much more meaning to his family and him.
Even though their new logo can look intimidating, every day, he put on his work shirt and see the moose or go out to the truck, and there’s the moose. It’s a constant reminder that no matter what, to be kind, be honest, understanding, happy, keep their word, put a smile on someone else’s face and to do their best. Every day is a gift. A big thanks from his family and the Dirty Deed family, Adam.
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