Entrepreneurs have always had an important role in technological development, but today's entrepreneurs are pushing the envelope in ways that were never possible before. In this blog article, we'll discuss four ways entrepreneurs are inspiring technological development in the following areas: Telecommunications; Entertainment; Healthcare; and Clean energy and transportation.
Innovation may have existed long before the internet, but today’s technological marvels couldn’t have been possible without the pioneering efforts of today’s entrepreneurs. From social media and smart phones to cloud computing and tablets, modern tech has been inspired by people who had an idea and took action to make it happen.

How entrepreneurship is changing
Technology has forever changed how we operate our businesses and, increasingly, how we carry out life in general. Because of innovative thinkers who came before us, entrepreneurs are able to launch companies that were unimaginable just a few years ago. So, when you hear people say that entrepreneurship is changing because of technology or start-ups or some other buzzword, don’t buy into it—embrace it! Technology is a tool to help you take your business further.
Inspiring technological development
Technology has been growing at a rapid pace. As these technologies become more advanced, they start to enter every facet of our daily lives. This is why there’s such an emphasis on entrepreneurial growth in today’s society. All business and innovation starts with a visionary; someone who sees past today and looks toward tomorrow. This person is called an entrepreneur, and he or she inspires technology to advance faster than it would without him or her.
The importance of creativity
Just like you’d never hire a mechanic who doesn’t know how to use a wrench, you wouldn’t expect successful entrepreneurs to be able to fix a problem they didn’t fully understand. And while entrepreneurship often calls for plenty of perseverance, it can also require some fresh thinking. For example, Steve Jobs worked with Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak to come up with solutions that were outside of his field.
What the future looks like
According to a recent study, by 2021, one out of every five jobs will be created by entrepreneurs. With more and more entrepreneurs starting new businesses all over the world, many believe that within two decades up to 66% of adults will be employed in a business started by someone other than an established company. And as technology continues to develop at a rapid pace, it’s only natural for entrepreneurs to embrace its potential and use it as a way to further drive innovation. After all, these individuals are not afraid of taking risks or embracing change—and they’re certainly not afraid of thinking outside of the box. In fact, they thrive on it!
Entrepreneurs are the driving force behind technological development in the world today, taking everyday, simple concepts and turning them into life-changing ideas and products. Here are just five examples of how entrepreneurs are inspiring technological development to give us better and more efficient products and services every day, no matter where we live in the world or what we do.