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Excuses Don’t Make Winners: The Ultimate Guide To Be Self Motivated

March 19, 2021

Have you ever stumbled across a positive personality or someone's relentless love for their work and organization? While hearing someone's wonderful and intriguing story of success, we often forget to lose the focus of the untold chronicles which flashes the realistic image of passion, self-motivation and positive attitude in the background that built this story. Self-motivation is the simplest yet powerful force to drive you to do things in an arena where almost everything seems impossible and you are simply trapped in a death spiral of procrastination. However, We don't really want to you engage into some pumped-up motivational "speech", but instead, we will breakdown our research into a few points on how to motivate yourself, to keep yourself going and not let the absurd excuses blow up the untapped potential that could do wonders to you and your life.

Some misconceptions about Motivation

Before stating the ways to self-motivate, remember, it could be a tricky bet and enduring motivation could either be impossible or just be found in the snap of fingers. We often strangle ourselves into a thought of getting motivated by watching a youtube video or passively reading an inspirational excerpt, which unfortunately often fades away with the matter of time. There are certain things to embrace before calling yourself " self-motivated" and "positively involved." We'll get you acquainted with such 5 top ways you can get self-motivated and say goodbye to your lame excuses.

Start simple and achievable

Pen down the changes which are achievable and does not flip your entire routine. To build a change, you do not have to sip your coffee at 5 am or start your jogging at 5:30 am, because doing so can put you in despair and often leave you demotivated. Studies show that starting small and simple can help in acclimating habits for longer than just by jumping from nothing to everything. So, if you have decided to become a writer, starting with 300 words per day will not overwhelm you, but 10000 every day would.

Accept reality and make changes to it

A little positive change in your schedule is fine, however, if you have kick-started something alien in your life, it's real for you to trip over some challenges. But, whatever you missed out yesterday could be a great way to avoid it today and the best way is to make changes to it and keep moving forward. A mere change and acceptance can overweigh the catastrophic downfall or a halt.

Follow the pattern

A tied up and glued together routine is magically a perfect way to develop a habit. Sticking to a routine by setting reminders, promising yourself to complete a certain task at the end of the week and pushing yourself so that you can enjoy the bliss of completion can be the ultimate transition for developing a habit. Your pre-game routine is basically an acceleration to your regulated motivation.

Give yourself a break

You deserve a relaxing and joyful break every time you push yourself a little more. A blissful session of relaxation while curling up in your bed with a warm cup of tea and your favourite book could be a delicate push of motivation for you to press the restart. We often forget to plan a balance amidst our relentless will to achieve goals, which can often cause a temporary discomfort leading to a permanent whine about our "duty" filled with nothing but dissatisfaction and struggle.

Respect the suggestions

Well, who does not like new and refreshing ideas? Discovering new ways to do a task and identifying fresh perspectives can be your mind's way of telling you to move ahead but with a new twist! Keep reminding yourself to experiment, identify and discover the new tricks amidst the process of achieving the set goal!

Summing up, fixing up the game of progress and success is all about developing new rules, ideas and activities while stacking up little moments of motivation to change your future. Tiny battles, thousands of little decisions every day and grinding yourself to seize the gold will certainly be worth celebrating once you train your excuses to take a positive turn. Maybe, next time you won't be listening to some story, but will be sharing yours with others!