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How to Manage Conflict at Workplace: 5 Effective Ways

April 14, 2022

Conflict can be a part of our day-to-day life whether it's our personal or professional life. In a workspace, conflict could result in decreased productivity and a negative working atmosphere that also interferes with everybody's ability to work peacefully. A workplace could have different employees with varying viewpoints and at some point or other y can create a conflict between them. 

They may be inevitable in a workspace given that disagreements are quite common among people. However, instead of trying to prevent them, which may not be very effective, you can opt for some ways to handle it better to make sure the colleagues in question are satisfied with the resolution and do not have any grudges against one another. 

As a business owner, you can follow the below ways to resolve conflict  in the workplace:

1. Clarify the source of conflict

This would be the first and most basic step in resolving conflict. You should always get aware of the matter and what caused it before trying to resolve it. Defining the source will allow you to understand what the issue occurred in the first place and what are the disagreements between both parties. 

You should also gather as much information as possible on both the parties' outlook and what they have to say. Listening to them and getting familiar with the issue should be your first priority.

2. Listen actively and let everyone have a say

No matter how much you would like to play favorites, you need to consider everybody equal and listen to everyone to resolve a conflict. Let each party let out their views and perceptions regarding the problem and give them the appropriate amount of time to have their issues out. You must also have a positive approach regarding the whole situation and listen with patience to what they have to say. Your communication with them should be assertive, positive, open, and honest.

3. Find a private space to talk

Do not carry out your discussion in an open space where others could listen. This will not only hamper others' productivity and waste their time but it will also leave a negative effect on them. Also, the parties in question would be hesitant to express their views. So it is always a good idea to find a private and safe like your office. 

4. Determine ways to meet the common goal

After listening to the issue carefully, you need to focus on the main objective of the whole process, which is to resolve the issue and make sure that it does not resurfaces. You must also be aware of the different stages of the conflict, which we have discussed in the article so far. You must present a mutual solution to both the parties and then discuss the common ways you can resolve the conflict at hand.

5. Agree to the best solution and be clear on the responsibilities of each party

After coming to a mutual agreement, you must divide the responsibilities for both parties to make sure the issue is completely resolved. You should remind them of the company's values and make sure it doesn't resurface again.