Juanita Isbester
Juanita Isbester
40 Under 40' 2022

Age: 34
Company Name: Juanita Isbester
Position In The Company: CEO
Bio: Juanita is Australia’s #1 Transformation & Self Healing Coach to Women. She empowers women to heal burnout, grow and reconnect to their identity without overwhelm or guilt in her one to one 90 day signature program The Burnout to Blissed Out Healing Accelerator.
Juanita suffered from burnout during a traumatic break up in 2019, becoming a single mother to her then 6 month old son (who woke between 3-6 times per night) and 5 year old daughter while trying to run a Massage and Energy Work business with very little support. Anxiety struck for fears of how she would cope mentally and financially and sleep deprivation ruled her life, Juanita knew self care was imperative if she was going to pull herself out of this debilitating mode of survival and dread. Putting her knowledge to work she created her 7 Simple Steps to Feeling Blissed Out, the very morning ritual she created and implemented to change her own life which is the glue to her coaching program. She healed the state of stress and burnout she found herself in and became the fittest and most grounded version of herself she’d ever been at what seemed like the most difficult time of her life.
She believes burnout stems from a dire need for peace of mind and is the result of misalignment in the mind, body and spirit, the souls yearning for imminent change as it is subconsciously trying to escape the present moment. She has helped hundreds of women regain their power by teaching simple and effective self healing practices that soothe the nervous system, reprogram old limiting belief systems to create a more self-connected, self-aware and calmer version of themselves. A much needed skill set in these difficult times and once you have awareness and the knowledge to self heal states of stress and burnout, nothing can hold you back.
Website URL: www.juanitaisbester.com.au
Social Media URL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/juanita.isbester/