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Leading A More Spiritual Life | An interview with a thriving spiritual coach & author, Liz Roberta

September 6, 2022

The right coach can take you places you never thought possible. Their experiences hold the power of driving you to your desired way of living. Liz Roberta, a Hay House author and award-winning Spiritual Coach, is one such influential and thriving coach. An engaging voice of the spiritual world and with a deep understanding of the human condition, Liz has helped people from all walks of life to connect with their true selves so they can lead more empowered lives.

Liz’s work is based on three simple but profound principles: that we are all connected, that we are all deserving of love, and that we all deserve success in life. While she discovered her passion for helping others inspired by her own experiences, she started her brand on Instagram and has managed to navigate thousands of people from confusion to a deep sense of purpose.

Her coaching not only brought her close to her dream clients but has also landed her on various prominent platforms like Glamour, BuzzFeed, Yahoo, Influencive, Medium, Thrive Global, Disrupt and more. She was also named the ‘Emerging Voice of 2020', one of the ‘5 Most Influential Female Coaches of 2021’ and one of the ‘50 Under 50’ for 2022. A large part of her work is helping people to express themselves authentically so that they can shine fully in the world and reap huge rewards.

We recently caught up with her to unveil more about her experiences and what makes her one of the most powerful coaches in the industry. Here's a glimpse of the interview!

1). Can you walk us through your early life and what brought you to the world of coaching?

I always say that I was born a spiritual child, because I was drawn to esoteric topics from as early as I can remember. When I was a teenager, a friend introduced me to Tarot cards and that was when I realised the power of my intuition for the first time, because everything I was seeing on the cards for my future came true. I had a lot of disruption in my home life growing up and was around alcoholism, intense grief and mental health issues, which was hard at the time but ultimately gave me empathy and connected me with a wide range of emotions. I want everyone to be living their highest, most abundant life – but I also know how it feels to be lost and at a low point.

2). You recently authored 'Living in Tune.' What can the readers expect from this book?

Living In Tune is a book that connects people back with their intuition so they can stand in their power and understand what will bring them a sense of purpose. When we’re not listening to our intuition, we’re not respecting ourselves and our own power. We’re meant to make the decisions in our own life, yet so many people trust others more than themselves. This can lead to feelings of powerlessness, despair, confusion and being trapped. It’s like you know you’re in the wrong place but you don’t know the way out. Living In Tune is a practical guidebook to give people the map back to themselves and where they’re really meant to be right now.

3). What was your biggest challenge in the early days of your career and how did you overcome it?

My biggest challenge was getting a book deal! I was sure from the beginning that I wanted to be with a traditional publisher (rather than self-publishing) and I was also sure it had to be this specific publisher, Hay House. They are the world’s biggest publisher of self-help books and it was always where I felt called towards. However, I was rejected multiple times! I had to keep adjusting and re-pitching my book proposal until eventually, after a few years, I finally got a contract and offer with a book advance. As I learned so much on this journey, I now have a group coaching program where I work with aspiring authors who want to get their book out into the world.

4). Why did you decide to choose Instagram as your brand platform? Was that choice a lucrative one?

I have always loved Instagram. I’ve used it personally since it began in 2011 and have always found a lot of joy in curating a beautiful feed. It also served me well at the beginning when I was too scared to speak on video, or even share my voice. I have made so many incredible connections through Instagram - friends that feel like soulmates all over the world – which has served me well because I now travel full time and meet people from Instagram everywhere! I would say it’s been a lucrative decision because getting a book deal was partly based on my Instagram following and I have the most amazing community there who are my core group coaching clients and readers. After 4 years, Instagram is still my social media of choice.

5). What would be your advice to people who are looking for a spiritual coach?

Not surprisingly, I would say you need to follow your intuition! Notice when someone stands out to you and the thought of working with them lights you up. When hiring any coach, it’s a good idea to have a look at their reviews and to check they’re going to give you the type of results you want. Every coach is different and has their own strengths and weaknesses. Once you decide that you want help working with energy and manifesting those things on your vision board, setting an intention to find the right spiritual coach will usually mean that the right one crosses your path at the right time.

6). Lastly, if you had to change one thing in your industry, what would that be? How would you bring that change?

I would stop the culture of coaches tearing other coaches down. It can seem like people want to muscle their way to the top by treading on others, rather than respecting the fact that we all have different skills and experiences – and are going to be a perfect match for different clients. This behavior is coming from a place of lack, scarcity and fear. Let’s all respect each other’s uniqueness and know that it’s safe to stand in our own power as individuals.