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Technology Impacts Our Daily Life

February 23, 2021

Can you imagine life without your mobile phones? How about spending a day without watching TV shows?

Technology has an indispensable impact on our day-to-day lives, from the time we wake up to the time of sleep - we have our live covered all around technology.

Technology had adversely affected our day-to-day life, from waking up early in the morning with an alarm on, buying food online, to sleeping at night while watching movies on the TV.

However, the use of access technology has led to health issues and decreased privacy. Technology has impacted our everyday lives- from getting the freshest news on mobile phones to connecting with relatives or friends across the globe.

We take a look at some important ways that tech has impacted our lives.

1. Communication

The telephone was a good run in the back 1876, where Graham Bell believed that there would be one phone in every town. He was right- now, almost every pocket holds one.

Video calling is another technology getting popular in the last few years. The revolution in broadband at a reasonable price makes it easier to communicate by spending less data on a video call.

Thanks to the Lockdown last year, families and friends are meeting up with the help of video calls. It's not just the social life that changed, but people working from home, meeting, conferences replaced by video-conferencing.

2. Privacy Decreased

We spend more of our time online than in the last few years. According to one of the surveys, a person spends an average of 3 hours and 20 minutes on the mobile phone.

Shopping? No need to spend time in the long queue, it is easier on Amazon. Meeting up with friends? No need to go outside- you have several apps working to have face-to-face conversation FaceTime, Snapchat, or email.

Every move we make on social media channels is recorded, and we leave our digital footprints to get our privacy exploited. To tackle privacy, we got options as well including, Password Manager, use of Virtual Private Network(VPN), and finally the anti-virus software.

3. Virtual Social Lives

Social Media Platforms are another introduction to our daily lives. Social Platforms such as Snapchat, Instagram, and others provide us with the daily insights of any person from a local person, friends, or a celebrity.

The business has also started engaging with its audience on the various social media platform, and Social Media Manager is considered an essential part of any organization.

Social Media can be fun sometimes if used wisely, but researchers have found that it can affect our mental health. It's bad, but many governments have asked social media companies to take some precautionary actions- especially for the young generation.

4. Flexible Working

2020 gave as many hard reasons to remember it, but the positive thing was Work from Home. With the increase in the impact of Covid-19, many companies decided to Work from Home.

For many employers, it was a great thing because they didn't need to move from one place to another, work flexibly, choose an area to work from. All this was due to technology.


So, there we have it - the important ways in - which technology has impacted our daily lives for good. There is no denying the fact that technology never rests somewhere in the world, new iteration is already in testing.