As an entrepreneur, you face an incredibly busy schedule juggling the needs of your business with those of your family, friends, and self. If you don’t take steps to manage your time and your energy wisely, you could quickly find yourself spread too thin and suffering from burnout as well as anxiety over not meeting your personal and business goals. However, there are plenty of ways to make sure that you’re able to balance work and life without feeling like you’re neglecting either one.
Setting up your calendar
A lot of entrepreneurs think that once they've launched their business, the hard work is over. Well, this couldn't be further from the truth. It's all about knowing how to juggle it all, whether it's your side-hustle or your full-time job. If you want some inspiration for how to take on more projects in the next year, start by setting up a monthly calendar and a running list for what tasks you want to accomplish. When you have time set aside for work, make sure to use those hours as efficiently as possible so you can get back to the other parts of your life. But if everything falls apart one day? No worries! Remember that balance is important, and don't let stress get the best of you. Take care of yourself first before anything else!

Finding a work/life balance
Work-life balance is important for anyone, but entrepreneurs must be proactive about it because there are just so many things that can go wrong. Keep your eye on the prize, but also take time for yourself. With a little awareness, work-life balance becomes easier. Take care of what's in front of you first before moving onto the next task. Don't try to do everything at once or else nothing will get done. Be sure to dedicate some time for yourself every day, even if it's only 10 minutes. If you're stuck trying to find time, set an alarm for 30 minutes and tell yourself that's when you'll check Facebook or Instagram. Also make sure you're getting enough sleep! Entrepreneurs often don't know how much sleep they need each night, but most people need between seven and nine hours per night.
How to find time for your family, friends, hobbies and yourself
Your business may be your baby, but you can't neglect the rest of your life in the process. Your health is important, both mentally and physically. Staying fit will make you feel better throughout the day and allow you to bounce back quicker from stressful events. It's also just good for your brain! Studies have shown that individuals who exercise regularly have less anxiety and depression symptoms than those who don't. You'll also find it easier to sleep soundly at night when you work out during the day. Get up early enough to squeeze in a workout before heading into the office or while you're commuting home. Be sure to check with your doctor before starting any new routine, though.