In today’s digital world, it’s increasingly important to have a clear understanding of how your marketing efforts are working, and if you are receiving the results you had hoped. Google Analytics can be an invaluable tool when determining what approaches are resulting in website traffic, leads and ultimately sales, so that you can focus on those activities that provide value and avoid the ones that do not. Here we look at why Google Analytics is so important to your marketing efforts, and how you can use it to find out more about your prospects and customers than ever before possible.
Improve Planning
When it comes to planning a campaign, the most important thing you need to have is data. This includes researching your target audience and their behavior patterns as well as understanding what they are interested in. The best way to gather this information is by using Google Analytics, a free tool that allows you to track your website traffic. This will give you valuable insight into who your customers are and what they want so you can focus on those goals when creating an ad campaign.
Increase ROI
It is important to track your website analytics with Google Analytic. You need to know how many people are looking at your site, what they are looking for and what pages they like the best. This information helps you make changes to increase ROI. For example, if people are looking at your product but not buying it, it may be because the price is too high or because the product isn't available for purchase yet.
Measure Effectiveness
Google Analytics is a free suite of tools from Google that allows you to better understand your website traffic and advertising. Through your dashboard, you can see how many people are visiting your site, where they are coming from, what pages they visit and for how long. From this data, you can make informed decisions about the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns.

Compare Campaigns
Google Analytics is a free, powerful tool that helps advertisers track the effectiveness of their ads. It can be used to measure where visitors are coming from, how long they stayed on your site, what pages they visited and what content they interacted with the most. This data can help you develop more effective campaigns by focusing on better targeting and delivering ads that are more relevant to users.
Find Out If Your Traffic Is Organic
If your website is receiving a lot of traffic, it's important to see where that traffic is coming from. To find out if your site's traffic is organic or not, take a look at the site analytics. You will be able to see the total number of page views and unique visitors over a period of time.
Reduce Bounce Rate And Keep Viewers Engaged
It's important to keep bounce rates low, as the more time a viewer spends on your site, the greater chance they'll be converted into a customer. This is where analytics come into play.
Google Analytics can tell you what pages are most popular with your audience, how long visitors stay on each page, and what keywords lead them there. Armed with this information you can make changes to your site that will keep viewers engaged for longer periods of time.