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This ground-breaking blockchain-based digital therapeutics will boost pill efficacy

January 9, 2022


Epillo Health Systems, a European digital healthcare company, istransforming the medical technology landscape by incorporating the best ofartificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain in digital healthcareapplications to aid your prescription drugs with a blockchain-based digitaltherapeutics (DTx) solution, ‘INTRx,' to increase the efficiency of your prescription drug plans, 

Unwanted pharmacological effects can occur inside the body of aprescription drug user, which are frequently caused by drug interactions,either among themselves or with the food that the patient consumes.Additionally, specific foods that inhibit or affect a drug's pharmacologicalprofiles, i.e., a drug's pharmacokinetic or pharmacodynamic profile, can slow or boost the effects of any drug. Adverse drug effects (ADEs), provoked allergies, and ineffective prescription therapy can all result from such interactions, putting a strain on healthcare systems and lowering treatment quality. 

Co-administration of food or drink with active prescriptions canaffect a drug's absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion (ADME)mechanism, which includes drug release (volume and composition of luminalfluids, transit times, motility), absorption mechanism (uptake and effluxtransporters), and drug distribution throughout the cells (lymphatic drug transport, lipoprotein, and plastron) (drug-metabolizing enzymes and drug transporters). 

A medication is given to provide effective medical assistance. Whena medicine is ingested with certain interacting components found in oureveryday foods, or when it is consumed with other interacting pharmaceuticals,the efficacy can be altered. 

Almost half of the population is on medication. Epillo'sBlockchain-based digital therapeutic solution, ‘INTRx,' has a larger userbasethan any other consumer digital therapeutic solution, with an estimated 48-50percent of Europeans and Americans using at least one prescription medicineevery day. 

Digital therapeutics (DTx) is medical software that can be used inconjunction with your therapies to help manage or prevent disease, as well asto boost the advantages of your therapy and so aid your treatment. 

INTRx, Epillo's digital therapeutics (DTx) solution, is apatient-facing decentralised mobile application that helps patients prevent andmanage drug-food and drug-drug interactions, as well as track their drug andfood patterns. 

INTRx can help patients self-manage and forecast their interactionsbased on their individual user profiles and health data, enhancing theirexisting pharmacological regimens and improving their overall quality of life. 

In-home and clinical settings, Epillo's 'INTRx' solution employstheir patented medical AI to combat millions of unsupervised and overlookeddrug-food and drug-drug interactions. Drug-Food constituent interactions anddrug-drug constituent interactions are monitored, predicted, managed, andprevented in real time by Epillo's Digital Therapeutics (DTx) suite of solutions (based on its patent-pending innovation). 

Through a patient-facing mobile app and a set of clinical tools forclinicians to monitor and analyse these Interactions and pharmacological(pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic) profile change data on drugsco-administered with food items, analyse drug plans compared to food patterns,unlocking a completely new health metric for clinicians to administer the quality of life and care for a patient. 

The ‘INTRx' range from Epillo is based on Hydrus 7 Labs' decentralizedledger model and multilayered hybrid consensus algorithm. Blockchaintechnology, according to Epillo Health Systems, has the potential to transformhow patients own, share, and control their health data, as well as howhealthcare stakeholders manage, safeguard, and share patient data.