Tyler King
Tyler King
40 Under 40' 2022

Age: 33
Company Name: Assuras
Position In The Company: CEO
Bio: Tyler King is the Chief Executive Officer of Assuras, a global management consulting firm with headquarters in Dallas, TX. He is a true entrepreneur, starting his first company in high school, later dropping out when it hit $1 million in revenue during his senior year. Since then, he has attended educational institutions such as Harvard Business School and MIT Slone School of Management.
He also is the Executive Director of A Voice From Prison, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. He enjoys flying as a hobby, being a helicopter pilot, and is also an accomplished photographer.
Website URL: www.assuras.com
Social Media URL
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tylerking.me
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tylerking