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Don’t Forget To Ask These Questions When You Are Choosing A Domain Name For Your SMB

January 29, 2021

It's no secret that small companies in the online market have it tough. It is a daunting challenge to compete against well-known brands and large corporations that are not only more developed but much better financed. Despite the fierce competition, many small businesses manage to survive and thrive in such a climate. If you're wondering how small businesses do it, the key is online exposure and appreciation.

A proper domain name is an essential part of the exposure and acknowledgement. Yes, it all starts with what seems to be a simple move such as deciding on a domain name. Unfortunately, it isn't that easy since selecting a domain name necessitates more consideration than just choosing the first name that comes to mind. Let's just assume there are a few more critical factors at stake. As a result, the domain you choose will remain with you for the time being. You can always change it, but you'll have to start over with your online presence. With that in mind, here are some important questions to consider when selecting a domain name for your small business.

Effect of domain name on your website

Yes, it certainly would. A domain name that is quick to understand and recognize for both search engines and customers is more appealing. You may, for example, choose a keyword domain with a keyword that is important to your business. This will help drive more traffic to your website so customers won't have to think too hard about what your company does. It's right there in the domain name for them to see. Furthermore, search engines will rank your website for similar search queries, which is another effective way to increase organic traffic. And, as you already know, the more organic traffic your company receives, the more likely it is to generate more conversions.

Role of extensions

Extensions are important, and they mean a lot. Believe it or not, the (dot) anything suffix, such, is more important than the domain name itself. This is why dot extensions are called TLDs (Top-Level Domains), while the real domain name is called an SLD (Second-Level Domain). Choosing the right extension or TLD is just as critical, if not more, than choosing an SLD.

Effect of domain name on your brand

A well-chosen domain name and the SMB's branding activities complement each other perfectly. Furthermore, using a branded domain name will help to elevate and unify the branding efforts. Using your brand's name as a domain name would increase your online popularity, recognition, and exposure. Furthermore, choosing a branded domain means that the domain is almost certainly free because it is exclusive to your business. You may assume that the majority of domain names have already been taken if they haven't been reserved for someone's potential projects.

Keeping things simple

It is true that simplicity is the way to go when selecting a domain name. You will annoy your audience and make your website seem spammy if you overcomplicate things. The use of hyphenated domain names is a prime example of this. Using a hyphen in your domain name may appear to be a good idea, especially if the domain name without a hyphen is already taken.