How Sofia Is Helping Women Globally Feel More Empowered With Her Coaching | An Interview

The concept of life coaching goes beyond the idea of showing someone the correct way of life. It's about pushing limits, introducing training methods to help others feel confident about themselves, and building fruitful personal and professional relationships with life-altering decisions. In short, enriching one's life by making them feel empowered and inspiring positive changes in them. And that's exactly what Sofia Rose Bernadi is here to do.
Sofia is a certified Master NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, and Speaker who is passionate about helping women globally transform their lives. Her passion for life coaching started at a very young age and since then she has worked hard to make women everywhere feel powerful, confident, and fulfilled in their lives.
Today she serves as one of the leading empowering coaches globally and her devotion towards her work allows her to bring excellence to her practices and training programs.
We are delighted to welcome such an influential personality to our platform and today we will get to know her and her career more in this interview.
Que. 1). Welcome to our platform Sofia. Our readers are eager to learn more about you. Let's start with, how did you get inspired to choose this profession?
I have always been passionate about helping people, even from a young age, I just didn’t know how I would do that. I was told all throughout high school that I had to choose a university degree, but nothing seemed to resonate with me. I felt stuck for many years, so I worked lots of casual jobs to get by within hospitality. It wasn’t until I went through my own personal struggles, that I eventually discovered life coaching. After hiring my first coach, I could not believe how quickly I could change with this kind of support. It inspired me to want to become a coach too, so I could help those that felt the same way I did, stuck, lost, and not enough. All of a sudden I was training for a marathon, starting my own business, earning more money, meeting my partner, and starting to love who I was unconditionally, all from having a coach supporting me every step of the way.
Que. 2). How do your training programs help women get the best out of themselves?
Great question, so my personal belief is that the quality of your life is determined by where you live emotionally. We have seen so many examples of people who have it all, and yet are miserable. Fame, money, and success are not enough if you do not feel good enough within yourself just as you are. I believe that all behavior first starts as a thought, so shifting your thoughts and feelings to something that serves you and is aligned with your goals, it will create the biggest change with a huge flow-on effect. I really like to address the root cause when someone is struggling to help create lasting change. To do this I take my clients through special processes that release negative emotions, limit beliefs, shift their energy and forgive themselves and others. By doing this, the past is no longer holding them back, and they are able to create empowering beliefs about themself and life. They naturally are more fulfilled and have the tools going forward to process emotions in a much healthier way. I do a lot of work with the subconscious mind as 95% of human behavior is subconscious. Once we have healed the past, it then allows me to take my clients through a process to get clarity on their vision and mission for their life, along with setting goals and intentions that are in alignment with your vision. I also help my clients then take massive action to start to create powerful results in their lives, and keep them accountable to do so. It’s pretty incredible stuff and has changed hundreds of my clients’ lives at this point.
Que. 3). Today we are witnessing life coaching as a trending career choice. But what unique skills do you bring to the table?
I believe I offer many unique skills and qualities to the table but I will share with you what my clients say most often. The biggest feedback I get is that I am really authentic, relatable, and genuine. I think that can be difficult to find in the coaching industry because a lot of coaches feel like they need to be perfect in order for them to get clients. I think it’s unrealistic as we are human beings having a human experience, which is to experience the ups and the downs. Because I am myself around my clients, they feel safe, and comfortable to open up to me, which I’m really grateful for as I am able to support them at a much deeper level that way. The other quality of mine that gets mentioned often is my energy. People will often come out of nowhere and contact me asking to work with me purely because they just love my energy and get a good feeling being around me. This is my favorite compliment because it shows the amount of healing work I have done to be in a high energetic state, energy doesn’t lie! And the last skill I will mention is just my drive and passion to help people create change in their lives. I go above and beyond with my clients to ensure they get the results + so much more. I love my clients and I am just as invested in their dreams as they are.
Que. 4). How would you define your approach as a life coach and how it has been helpful for your clients?
I use a mixture of my masculine and feminine energy depending on what my clients need most. I love getting to the root cause of people’s problems and helping them breakthrough, it is the best feeling! Most people when they are struggling think they have relationship problems, or money problems, or health problems, or business problems, but it often comes back to self-worth problems, so that is my focus. If you improve the relationship you have with yourself and build unstoppable confidence, you will naturally improve every area of your life, because you believe you are worth it. People come to me with what they want, and I give them what they need. They walk away with a better life than they could have dreamed of, and nothing is more fulfilling to me than seeing people love themselves and their life.
Que. 5). We have certainly learned a lot about you today and I am sure our readers must be inspired by it. But before you go, What advice you would like to give women globally to help them feel confident and more powerful on a daily basis.
What a tough question, there is so much I would love to say to someone who is feeling stuck, lost or not enough right now. I think what I would have wanted to hear all those years ago when I was struggling was, you are enough, keep going. You are doing amazing, just keep going and things will get better. You have no idea where you could end up if you just go all-in on your dreams. I never would have thought that I would be coaching hundreds of women around the world, earning hundreds of thousands of dollars doing what I love or that I would own my own company after just 2 years in business. This all happened because no matter how tough things got for me, I never gave up on my dreams. No matter how much fear and doubt was there, I never gave up. You got this, I believe in you!