Learn How To Manage Your Personal Finances Better with Paul Roux | An Interview

The secret to being satisfied with your financial situation is not about having a lot of money, it's about managing whatever you have effectively. Having control of your finances is a kind of power that doesn't come naturally to everyone. And that's why coaches like Paul Roux have been providing coaching to manage personal finances in a better way to individuals across the globe.
With a background in both financial planning and coaching, Paul Roux helps his clients build a solid financial foundation and get them back on track to reach their financial goals much more effectively.
If you are also interested in managing your personal finances in a better way and getting a hold of your money, the first step would be to get to know Paul Roux better. Today in this interview with Paul Roux, we will uncover his personal and professional life.
1). Welcome to our platform Paul, I am sure our readers are excited to learn more about you. For starters, can you share more about your coaching program and your thoughts on managing finances?
Thank you for the opportunity to have me here. I am so grateful and excited for your readers to get to know me better. In short, I help my clients take control of their money so they can go after their true purpose in life. Not being in control of your money or not having enough money can often stop us or discourage us from going after what truly makes us happy. I strongly believe that every one of us has special gifts or superpowers. This is where I can help.
A key component of my coaching practice is building a strong financial foundation. Like anything in life, if you are going to build something great, your foundation needs to be strong. There is nothing more powerful than someone with a strong financial foundation, living their true purpose and using their own special gifts. We all have greatness within us, we just need to be brave enough to let it out.
2). How important would you say is managing your finances in today's life?
It’s so critical today. The pandemic has reminded us yet again that nothing is certain in life, and we need to be prepared for life on life’s terms. I know from my own experience working in the financial services industry that many people don’t adequately save enough, especially for uncertainties. We need to be prepared when the rain comes.
We also need to understand that money affects us emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Our spending habits are heavily influenced by our emotions. We can all lead extremely stressful lives, with the world demanding our attention everywhere we go.
If we are not careful, our emotional and mental states can run riot and our personal finances can be negatively affected. Developing self-awareness around this and being proactive around managing our money is a skill that we all need to develop. Unfortunately, it’s a skill that is not taught to most of us growing up. There is a desperate need for this skill and that is why I want to help.
3). If I am not wrong, you have battled addiction and also had your recovery journey published. Can you let us know more about that?
Yes indeed. It was such an incredible project to be a part of. I met such wonderful people from a variety of different backgrounds. This anthology was published in 2020, titled “The addiction Diaries”. Currently it is available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble and others. It reveals real stories of ordinary people battling addiction and finding recovery. Recently I just celebrated my 10th year of sobriety, and it has been an incredible journey.
I am so grateful to God and the program of recovery for providing me with the strength and the tools to live my best life. Very often, addiction is not something that is talked about. It can carry a lot of shame and negative stigma, especially within family units. However, I know that the more we talk about it, the easier it can be for people that are suffering to seek the help that they need.
I wanted to be able to share my story to the world with the hope that it can inspire others to be brave too and seek recovery. Life does not end with addiction and recovery is possible. So long as we have air in our lungs, there is always hope.
4). What positive changes people can expect in their life after planning their finances better?
Since money is strongly linked to our emotional and mental states, taking the initiative to plan our finances better boosts our mental wellness and even improves our close relationships. I know from first-hand experience, that just having money set aside for emergencies improved my self-esteem. This filters through to all aspects of our lives. In addition to this, when we start to take control of our money, our self-confidence grows, we experience a new freedom and a new happiness, and we sleep better at night.
This journey sets my clients up for the pursuit of their own true purpose in life. It gives them the opportunity and financial breathing room to go after their dreams. Taking control of our money is a great catalyst for unleashing our gifts into the world and going after what truly makes us happy. This is incredibly powerful not just for my clients but because it can inspire others to do the same. Attraction rather than promotion is the key to inspiring great leadership.
5). How would you describe your coaching style and what unique qualities do you offer to your clients?
Fun, Interactive, and empowering. The spirit of play is fundamental to my coaching style. As adults, we often forget the importance of play and its role in our lives. Studies show that play is known to improve brain functionality, release endorphins, and stimulate creativity. When we are able to play for our dreams, we achieve extraordinary results. For example, my clients can choose to see their journey with money as a worthy quest they need to pursue, or a piece of artwork they need to paint, a song they need to write or even a collaborative game they are going to play. In my coaching sessions, my clients and I co-create solutions together. There are no mistakes, just learning experiences. I don’t want my clients to only be focusing on the skills they need to learn or tasks they need to do, but also the results they want to achieve. I want them to create new experiences for themselves that will not only benefit their personal finances but positively impact their personal lives too.