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How To Build A Genuine Following On Social Media- Easier Than You Think

March 16, 2021

Social media influencing is the new big thing. Almost every big brand, movie stars, tv shows are going to the influencers.


Their demand just increases day by day.


That’s why, whether you are an entrepreneur, marketer, artist or in any other field.


To shine in 2020, you must build a personal brand.


As it will help you to make your name in the market, to achieve your goals, and to even earn in Millions.


Now, many people think that there is a big competition, how can they increase their following, who will help them, etc.


But the truth is, it’s not that tough. You just need to know the right steps and strategies to build your personal brand.


And then, you will definitely shine in your field.


So, in this article, I am going to share 5 easy steps to increase your social media following in very little time.


And, if you want to know these best steps and tips, then read the article till the end.


(1). Choose your niche:-


The very first step is to choose your niche.


Nowadays almost every niche has great potential. Be it singing, comedy or magic, dance, etc.


And you need to have a clear understanding of your choice. Is it because someone else is getting success in it? Or is it because you really like it?


As for building a powerful brand, you need to work on a niche for which you are passionate and have knowledge about.


only then you would be able to use the magic of your creativity, to make an eye-catching content.


Therefore, select a niche which you like, plus which have a good demand in the market.


Bonus tip:- To check the demand of your niche, Go to google trends and, And see how many people are searching it, what they are asking for, and then make your content strategy.


(2). Optimize Your Profile:-


Before posting any content, it's very important for you to optimize your profile on every social media platform.


It will help you to get an instant edge from your competitors.


A very simple process for it:-


  • Mention very clearly in your bio that, “Who are you,” like an entrepreneur, digital marketer, growth hacker, content writer, etc.
  • And, “How you are going to help others”,


For example, if you are a Marketer than write, I help businesses in making their brand and to boost up their sales.


Or if you are a Designer then write, “I help people to be the master of designing.”


  • Plus have a Confident profile pic to make an impressive connection with the audience
  • And then, give a call to action, like “for a free webinar click on the link below or to know more, visit my website”.


As before your content, people will see your profile and if you catch their attention here, then you are already ahead of 50% other creators.


Now you just need to….


(3). Post consistently:-


Content is the main thing in this journey of becoming a social media influencer.


So, post consistently on every social media platform. It helps you to be more in the eyes of the audience, to make your name in the market.


And, once people start liking your content, then your following will grow automatically.


Note:- You need to post every kind of content, video, audio, texts, gifs to make a big impact.


And remember this lesson from Gary Vee:-


“Don’t post what you think will get most likes, post what you think will provide the most value to the audience.”


(4). Engage with the audience:-


Think about it, which person would you like more, the one who just talks about valuable things, or the one who talks valuable things plus solves your problems personally as well?


The second one, right.


Similarly, your audience would like you more if you engage with them regularly, if you solve their problems.


Because see, to make a personal brand, you need to be the hero in their eyes, someone with whom they can talk, whom they can confidently recommend to others.


And that’s why engaging with them is very important.


Some amazing ways of doing it:-


  • Reply to their comments (very effective thing),
  • Host Giveaways of free gifts like ebooks, webinars,
  • Host a live Q and A session ( the real game-changer)
  • And, give them a call to action like “what would you like to know more, comment on your three biggest learnings from my content, tag your friends, etc.”




The thing is these steps are powerful but most people know about them.


So, you need an ultimate step which can really help you to stand out from the crowd, to shine in your field.


And that step is,


(5). Use The Power Of Engagement Groups:-


What can be more better than getting an amazing exposure of your content in front of thousands of people, isn’t it?


Well, the Engagement groups can do it for you.


They already have a big audience, all you need to do is promote your content in them and then, see your exponential growth.


With the help of the Engagement groups:-


  • You can grow your social media following in very less time,
  • Which then fires up the algorithm on every platform to show your content to millions of people,
  • Resulting in bigger following, and name in the market
  • And at last in a powerful personal brand.


So, that’s how these groups can change this whole game of branding and marketing for you.


And can help you to be the star in the crowd of hundreds of other creators.


So, follow these steps, be regular in posting valuable content, use the power of Engagement groups, and get the success you want.